ISO 9001:2015
We are an ISO 9001:2015 accredited Unit by Indian Register of Quality Systems.
We have a full fledged foundry for non ferrous castings i.e. Gun Metal, Nickel Aluminium Bronze, Phosphor Bronze, Monel Metals etc.
We have 03 Nos. Tilting Furnaces with melting capacity of 3.5 M.T at a time and electrically operated EOT 5 ton crane.
Our Foundry is approved by American Bureau of Shipping and Indian Register of Shipping.
We have the following infrastructure in our Foundry :-
  • Wesman Oil fired Cross Current Type Rotary Sand Dryer.
  • 2 Sand Mullers.
  • Kirloskar Oil Injected Air Cooled Screw Type Compressor with vertical Air Receiver.
  • METERAVI MP16 Dual Laser Targeting Infrared & K Type Thermometer with USB Interface for checking melting temperature in the Furnace upto 1800ºC.
  • Centrifugal horizontal casting machine.
  • Heat Chamber.


Hydraulic and Pneumatic Testing
The company has modernized machine shop with full range of plant & machinery for machining all types of our products. We have testing arrangements for hydraulic and pneumatic testing and various jigs and fixtures for drilling and testing our products. We also have all the necessary instruments duly calibrated by NABL Laboratory for dimensional checking during machining, in-process and final inspection of the products.
We have the facility of in house type testing arrangement for:
  1. Pressure Drop Test and Cv Value Test
  2. Torque Test and Pipe Wracking Test
  3. Life Cycle Test and Wear Resistance Test
  4. Disc Strength Test and Repeatability Test
  5. Leakage Test and Antistatic Test
  6. Noise Level Measurement Test
  7. Fire Safe Test
Sl. 1 to 5 is being carried out as per NES 375 standard.
Sl. 6 is being carried out as per MIL Std. 740 2 (SH) with the help of Mechanalysis, Chennai. In addition to this, Noise Level Measurement is also being carried out at Naval Science and Technological Laboratory (NSTL), Visakhaptnam.
Sl. 7 is being carried out at as per BS 6755 Part B.
K300 and Q100 Actuators type tested
We have already got K300 and Q100 Actuators type tested as per JSS55555 including EMI, EMC Test under Department of Quality Assurance for Warship Projects [DQA(WP)], New Delhi.
Type Approval Certificate
We have Type Approval Certificate for manufacturing Air Vent Valves (sizes 50mm to 250mm) from Indian Register of Shipping.
Universal Testing Machine
We have a Universal Testing Machine calibrated by an NABL Laboratory witnessed by ABS and IRS for in house mechanical test.
Anchor Drop Testing
We also have the facility for Anchor Drop Testing as per IS15846/2010.
Dye Penetration Test
We have an engineer having NDT Level-II certificate for carrying out Dye Penetration Test.
In-house welding facilities
We have in house welding facilities and our welder is qualified with CQW 484 (see QW-201.1 Section IX ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) under Indian Register of Quality Systems.
In-House Chemical Laboratory
We have a full fledged chemical laboratory under a metallurgist with Heat Treatment Muffle Furnace and Chainomatic Balance, both duly calibrated.
Modern drawing office
We have our own modern drawing office with experienced draughtsmen. All drawings are made in detail and to scale on AutoCAD 2010.
Better quality of final product
Our NAB castings are subject to heat treatment (with heat treatment graphs) and 100% radiography by an NABL laboratory to ensure better quality of final product.
Member of Bureau of Indian Standards Shipbuilding Sectional Committee TED-17
We are a member of Bureau of Indian Standards Shipbuilding Sectional Committee TED-17 and have helped in the formulation of many standards. Our Sr. Partner J.R. Aggarwal was nominated on two technical committees i.e. TC8/SC8/WG2 'Ships' Windows and side scuttles’ as an expert from India on behalf of Bureau of Indian Standards to represent the Country on the ISO Committee of Geneva.
Library with all relevant Standards & Specifications
We have our own extensive Library with all relevant Standards and Specifications required for manufacturing valves, castings and other products manufactured by us for the Indian Navy and other shipyards. Moreover, we also have a number of Technical Books and Manuals on Valves.